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35th Annual Conference

August 8 - 11, 2024

UC Santa Cruz

We are back at the Rachel Carson apartments! Lectures at the Rachel Carson lecture room 240 and dining at the newly remodeled Rachel Carson Dining Hall.

About FPA Far West Roundup

The Far West Roundup is an informal retreat for financial planning practitioners and those intending to enter the financial planning profession. It is usually held on the campus of UC Santa Cruz.

This is an informal learning environment. The Roundup is also unusual in that there are no sponsors. Most of our speakers are fellow planners or professionals in related fields who have been recommended to us by past attendees.

Past Conferences Photo Gallery

Check out photos from our past Roundup conferences. Photos by Ethan Pepper.

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  • Far West Roundup 2024

    August 8 - 11, 2024

    UC Santa Cruz

Roundup Flyer